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Meet the Facilitator






My name is Mike Dannelly and I  was in Corporate America for almost 20 years. Over the years I have been to many "team building" events and terrible power point presentations that were so boring I had a tough time keeping my eyes open much less retaining any sort of information. I would absolutely dread having to go to these funtions because everytime I went the facilitator would turn into Charlie Brown's teacher and the unclearness and monotone sounds would absolutely ruin any chance of me bringing back any value from the presentation. I would think "there has to be a better way!"


Employee engagement is the key when you're looking for a group to get behind your mission.


As a professional improviser I've learned many skills on the stage that help me in my "real life" and corporate environment and one day I thought,what if I can take these skills I have and help people in their "real lives" or in their corporate settings? What if we could take these skills and translate them to normal people and not only help them connect better with their teams but also help them to collaborate better at work and become better parents or spouses at home?



This is how LoneStar Improv was born. Out of a pure desire to help other human beings become more present in the moment, be more involved and inspired at work and at home, becoming better listeners and more effective communicators. All of this while having fun and laughing. Building a bond with each other that carries on long after your event, something people can actually take back to the office or their homes and really use every single day of their lives. 

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